Friday, November 15, 2013

A Year Off

Well, I guess it's been a whole year since I have posted on this blog. Yikes!

It has been quite the year too. I will resist the urge to try and recap. Just know a horrific divorce, a move back to Iowa, and adjusting to life as a single mom has left little time for keeping up with what has been next for me.

I have slowly been reemerging from the ashes of my old life. Learning about narcissistic personality disorders, all the different types of abuse I have survived, and connecting with others who share many of my experiences, has allowed me to understand and begin to clear a path for a much better future. I am excited about my new life and what is coming up for me. I have been subbing in the district where my kids attend school and am enjoying it quite a bit. I am involved in a wonderful church, I am volunteering again, I am taking care of my kids' and my health. Everything feels pretty good. Not everything is sunshine and roses, but I have found that I have developed much better coping skills when a certain someone tries to rattle my cage and bring me down to his level.

What's next is that I am healing, I feel it. I may even be whole again. I have survived The. Roughest. Year. Ever. Now, I want to help others. Single moms need support. I am proud to announce that I will be blogging for the Des Moines Moms Blog once a month and hopefully I can connect with and help single moms in this area to know that they are not alone. Big perk, the other contributors to the blog are amazing and I love getting to know them and all the things they are interested in! What fun this is going to be!
So, I had to have a "headshot" for my role
as a contributor. Big thanks to my sister, Karen, for snapping
this shot of me. (Moms are always taking
pictures, but never have any good ones of themselves!
Am I right?)