Wednesday, November 7, 2012

GMO Misconceptions...

I was told recently that I had misconceptions regarding my knowledge about GMOs. (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Ouch. That one hurt.

I have been reading any and all information regarding whole foods, organic foods, and overall getting back to eating foods that are as minimally processed as possible. I am concerned about the health of my family and of families in the U.S. in general. If you are concerned about you and your family, please read and share. Also, make sure you click on the links, this is SO important!

Actually, my concern began over nine years ago when I was trying to get pregnant and couldn't. Was it my diet? That was almost a silly notion a decade ago. I didn't go organic back then, I didn't have enough access and really didn't have all the information I have now.

But the more I have learned, the more I fear for the health of our nation. I am speaking both literally and figuratively. I may step on a few people's toes here, but I believe that the huge food companies who control what makes it to the grocery store's shelves are corrupt in their desire to make a profit and are not looking out for the health of the consumers. The government isn't going to help us either. There are many examples of Monsanto and FDA/government ties. There is a list of fifteen such individuals on this website. Click on Monsanto's Government Ties.

While browsing Monsanto's website I came across this quote, "There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans." To me, that is simply scary. Browse yourself and see if you feel like I am taking things out of context, but as I was reading I felt that everything was written by an ex lawyer who was disbarred because of embezzlement and now worked as a used car salesman. I didn't buy it. I don't think you should either.

When I was told that I had misconceptions about GMO, I was told that genetic modifications to plants have been made for millennia. Look, NO they haven't. I feel this is what a majority of people think, but this is not what a GMO is. I am all for the NATURAL hybridization of plants and animals to make bigger and better products. But, alas, that is not what we are talking about here. 

If you want to know what exactly a GMO is, the Non-GMO Project website puts it best: "GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

Some of the concerns with this technology are as follows:

Environmental Hazards:

  • Unintended harm to other organisms
  • Uncontrolled biological pollution
  • Gene transfer to non-target species

Human Health Risks:

  • Emerging health risks in human studies
  • Documented health risks in animal studies
  • Documented proof of modified genes surviving the digestion process
  • Increase in food allergies
  • Parallel increase in Type 2 Diabetes
  • Parallel increase in autism
Economic Concerns:
  • Agriculture subsidies for food that makes us sick
  • Corporate profits outweigh public health
  • Corporate patents control farming
  • Corporate patents control nations
  • Lawsuits force non-GMO farmers out of business
Please see GMO Awareness' website for explanation of each of these bullets along with graphs and all the research to back it.

Warning: This is really going to scare you. Check out what exactly is in the genes of 95% of corn grown in the USA. Think of how much food you (or America in general) consume that uses high fructose corn syrup or another form of corn syrup. You might not be able to sleep at night. 

I have this sickening feeling that all of this GMO stuff is going to blow up like the big tobacco did. With health warning reports coming out TOO late for WAY too many people. I have thought this for quite sometime about diet soda and the main ingredient, aspartame, which is a (you guessed it) genetically modified food.

People are starting to get it. Groups are out there are organizing. I care about this country and its people. I want my children to live out their lives not worrying about their health. Our family is not perfect about staying away from GMOs, but I strive to get better every day. I am consciously choosing organic foods and foods that are voluntarily labeling themselves Non-GMO. 

After California's Proposition 37 failed to pass, I think it's time to do more. (Take a look at how it was worded on the ballot and form your own opinion about why they voted no.) That is why I am trying to educate others. That's what this is all about. Knowledge. I'm not into conspiracy theories, I am not into coverups. I am into Truth.

I hope you will join me. Be careful about what you eat. Share this with the ones you love. Share this with people you may only like a little. Know it might make a difference in the choices they make and ultimately improve their health. Heck, share this with your enemies, you don't want to mess with Karma.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Man! How'd it get to be November???

I've got to pull it together, face the reality that my Christmas decorations are expected to be up soon and all my shopping done too. Nah! I'll probably just procrastinate that like I always do.

BUT one thing I will not procrastinate is registering for Tara Lazar's annual PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) She started the idea, the picture book equivalent to the novelists' challenge to write a novel start to finish in one month's time, in 2008 for herself. The year after that, she challenged others on her blog to participate with her. Now, with over 600 participants last year and cool picture-book-author-nerdy prizes, she hopes to inspire children's authors to get their creative juices flowing and jot down an idea per day to use when you just can't think of the next topic to write about.

If you'd like to take the challenge with us, click on her link above and register by commenting on her PiBoIdMo post.

Let the brainstorming begin!