Thursday, September 13, 2012

Prepare to Eat Your Veggies!

I have a lot I could say on this topic. I have cut and edited this post several times and it still sounded too wordy. SO, I am going to try a different approach. LINKS AND A LIST!!! If you are a Link-Clicker and a List-Freak like me, you will love this blog! So here I go with my opinion on veggies:

The Problem:
Most people aren't eating enough vegetables in their diets these days.

The Causes:

  • Produce (especially organic) prices are skyrocketing.
  • Unless you buy the pre-cut/individual packs (again, expensive) vegetables are not a very convenient food to eat.
  • Some people have aversions to "green stuff."
  • Usually, people crave other foods and they are more easily accessible.

The Solutions: (That have worked for me and my family) 
  • HAVE A PLAN! You do need to plan this out, folks! It takes a bit more time to make sure your family is consuming good foods, but the return on your time spent planning is SO worth it! There are plenty of menu planning services out there. I use eMeals because there was a Groupon for it and so far I love it! They have clean eating meal options as well as whole food, organic choices and more. Put your menu up on your wall!
  • Accept no excuses. After you plan your healthy meals/snacks STICK TO IT! Don't alter your menu for picky kids and don't allow them not to try it. (This goes for picky adults as well!)
  • Arrange your refrigerator so that you have easy access to "the good stuff" I have blogged about how to do that here.
  • After you shop, cut and store all veggies (and melons) as well as vinegar wash your berries so you have easy access to them all week. Yes, this also takes extra time. I have to be honest. When I do my grocery shopping for the week, it usually takes me three to four hours to go shopping, unload the groceries and clean, chop and store everything. (And clean up my mess afterward) BUT, whipping up a healthy week is pretty speedy with all the prep work done!
  • Juicing! (Or smoothie making!) I just got a new juicer for my birthday and I am hooked on drinking my veggies! Here is a link to some good "starter" juice recipes and this blog is definitely my favorite for whole food info as well as genius smoothie recipes. (Play around on that blog, it's seriously great!)
Here are some photos from after a typical trip to the grocery store:

Fruit basket and onions ready for the week! (Fruit is a whole lot
easier to grab and go!) I also have some onions sliced and chopped
in the fridge, too!

Refrigerator with veggies for juicing (That don't need chopped)
and other produce items.

Veggies that need prepped, out and ready!

Looking at your recipes, or snack needs, figure out how you
need to prepare the veggies. Chopped, sliced, cubed, etc.
I really like these Rubbermaid Produce Saver containers. Veggies
and berries last a LONG time in these!

Fully-stocked, organized refrigerator. Snacks and items needed first in front,
items for later in the week in the back! 
Compost material from the scraps! YAY for turning this into food
for my veggies in the garden! :)