Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's Gardening Time!

I love gardening! I love getting my hands dirty (Okay, my gloves dirty, who wants dirt under their fingernails?) and seeing the work I have done as it grows. I won't make a parenting connection here, but I could. I especially love when the plants are in bloom and when it's time to harvest. It's the planting time of year down here in Texas, and I am SO excited to get a move on!

However, we have a little problem. Our backyard is floodingbig time this year. I think that when I made all my landscaping improvements last year, I somehow messed up the flow of the water out of our backyard. Oops! We have always gotten some standing water along the south side of our backyard and I thought that by building it up and planting some water-loving plants there it would help the situation out. I was wrong. Now the water backs up halfway into our yard and just kind of stays there. Yikes!

Pool of water on the south side of the patio

The rocks are doing their job of holding the dirt/mulch from getting into the yard,
but may be the cause of the water backing up!

You can see the pooling of water into the middle of the backyard
and the lovely effect it has on our grass. Gross!

Well, Adam and I decided we had to put in some sort of drainage system. Adam got started on that yesterday while I had a friend in town, so he worked on it by himself. He did a lot of digging, moving dirt and raking and he continued today while I went to work. I have to hand it to him, he did A LOT of work! I do feel pretty bad about not helping him. I do enjoy that kind of physical labor and I hate that he did it on his own without me. I will post pictures of the progress in a future post. We have a lot of work still left to do, but as I said, I love it...it's like a backyard makeover!

What are some of your thoughts on gardening? Love it or hate it? Leave a comment!


  1. I am so jelous! We got 2.5 inches of snow yesterday! We get 3 good months of flowers and that is it! Soak up the sun for me!
